Collaborative Robots vs. Traditional Robots - Which is More Adapted to Automation Lines

November 17, 2022

Collaborative Robots or Traditional Robots - Which is the Right Choice?

When it comes to industrial automation lines, robots play a crucial role in improving productivity and efficiency. But with so many types of robots available in the market, choosing the right one can be challenging. Out of all, collaborative robots and traditional robots are the most popular.

In this blog post, we'll compare collaborative robots and traditional robots to help you choose the best option for your automation line. We'll provide a factual, unbiased comparison and use numbers when possible. So, let's dive in!

Collaborative Robots

Collaborative robots, also known as cobots, are designed to work alongside humans, assisting them in tasks that are repetitive, dangerous, or challenging. Cobots are equipped with sensors that allow them to detect the presence of humans and stop working immediately if they sense a potential accident.

Advantages of Collaborative Robots:

  • Easy to program and set up
  • Flexible and adaptable to different tasks
  • Inexpensive compared to traditional robots
  • Require less space
  • Can work in close proximity to humans
  • Have a lower risk of accidents

Disadvantages of Collaborative Robots:

  • Have limited strength and payload compared to traditional robots
  • Not suitable for high-speed applications
  • Limited reach and range of motion
  • Limited capabilities for some advanced applications

Traditional Robots

Traditional robots are designed to work independently, completing a wide range of tasks, including welding, painting, material handling, and assembly. These robots are often larger and more powerful than collaborative robots but require a structured environment to operate safely.

Advantages of Traditional Robots:

  • High strength and payload
  • High-speed applications
  • Long reach and range of motion
  • Advanced capabilities for complex applications
  • Higher accuracy and repeatability

Disadvantages of Traditional Robots:

  • Expensive compared to collaborative robots
  • Require specialized programming and setup
  • Take up more space
  • Require safety barriers and fencing to operate safely
  • Have a higher risk of accidents

Which One is More Suitable for Automation Lines?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The choice of robot will depend on the specific needs of your automation line. If your production requires flexibility, adaptability, and close interaction with human workers, collaborative robots may be the best choice. On the other hand, if your automation line is structured, requires high payload capacity, speed, and accuracy, traditional robots may be more suitable.

In conclusion, both collaborative robots and traditional robots have their advantages and disadvantages. You should choose the one that best suits your automation line. If you're not sure which option to choose, speak to an automation expert who can guide you in the right direction.


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